Application Configuration
Separating configuration from application code is an important discipline in cloud-native development.
Spring Cloud Config Server provides a mechanism to store your application's configuration externally, and have it injected into your application at runtime.
Steeltoe includes a custom .NET Configuration Provider that utilizes Spring Cloud Config Server to pull in config values stored in Git, the filesystem, or HashiCorp Vault.
What is Application Configuration?
Steeltoe Configuration builds on the .NET configuration API, which enables developers to configure an application with values from a variety of sources by using Configuration Providers.
Why use Application Configuration?
With the added providers, Steeltoe Configuration takes care of managing connections to external config servers and provides new resources, such as placeholders and random values.
Spring Cloud Config Server
Enable a .NET application to use Spring Cloud Config server as a configuration provider.
Placeholders in Configuration
Define configuration values as placeholders in your configuration and have them resolved to real values at runtime during configuration access.
Random Values
Generate random values as integers, longs, UUIDs or strings as part of your application's configuration values.
Cloud Foundry
A custom .NET Configuration provider for the Cloud Foundry platform that parses the VCAP environment variables and automatically loads them as configuration values.